Human Design with Kerri Thorne

HD Presentation.pdf

Overview Notes:

HD brings back to self without roles, masks, identities: outside of mothering.

If could understand kids HD and nurture them with natural energy, how much more authentically themselves.

 Full expression of self & allow kids to be in full expression of self.

 HD is Astrology, gene keys, tree of life, hindu chakra system: combo of belief systems gives blueprint of energy type born with, what strengths, themes, gifts, talents & challenges are.


Why know: instruction manual for life.

Once know how design, move through life with more flow & less resistance.

Some people are born as Ferraris & some born as Jeeps.

 All have a part to play in human experience, what is your role in this plan / lifetime.

Emotional generator: always on a wave of emotion. Wait until off the wave to decide. Eg 'have a think about & let me know if want to sign you up?' honouring her emotional authority.



They dont have Sacral most consistent energy:

Need rest then to tell people what they are doing

When get urges: like a hurricane.

Informing: not asking permission, but letting people know.

Here for impact, to make a noise.

They dont want to be disturbed

Resitting urges or downloads brings them out of alignment.

Not following through with urges or downloads will be out of alignment, will see anger come up.

Example: if kid in middle of painting & time to pack away when not finished, will get angry.

Aura will push people away to certain extent

When in flow keeps people away.


Parenting the manifestor child:

Naturally self directed

Energetic hurricanes when creative urges hit


May lie about what doing out of fear that will be stopped

Scream anger into pillow, get out of their body

Choose your battles with manifestor


How to support mani child:

Teach them to inform as early as you can

Give positive reinforcement 'when you tell me what up to, I can help you' support them with creative urges.

When you tell people what up to you will get support that want

Allow them to embrace urges so they feel supported


These kids are made for impact.

The things that will drive you mad with them as child will be great about them as adult.


Generators: Mani Gens

30-35% of population

Generator types make up 70% (gen & mani gens)

Similarities & differences between two

Both have sacral centre defined

Coloured in means consistent energy here, in response to what lights you up.


Purpose mani gen & gen: to build & create & work.

Work that feels like play. Lights up.

Sink teeth into project - lean in & can keep doing it.

Auras same: open & enveloping (warm hug) act like magnetic, draw things into us to respond to.

Draws things need to live out purpose.



Sacral saying yes or no (gut??)

Dif areas of focus, but will look at one thing & aim for it (some exceptions)

Energy to burn when sacral lit in response to yes - might see IG & feel in body & will lean in

Like creating mastermind (could be curiosity), will feel in body somewhere.

Fear give story 'dont do that' then body picks up on thought & feels

 Generators need to find right work for them.

Dont burn it doing thing that isnt for you.


Parenting generator child:

Give them things to respond to - eg yes or no

Sacral centre responds best to yes or no (not open questions where do you want to go on holdiays?)

They need to feel into what really want & may need time.

Active - need activity to burn sacral energy

Like an I phone, charge overnight, use them during day to full 100%

Keep them active.

Try not to force them into saying yes to things they don't want to say yes to.

Teach to follow what lights up

Will wear down

Encourage trying all the things

Paces house, part of process.

Emotional authority: emotional person, will always be on an emotional wave.

When making decisions they need time & space to respond

Sacral will say yes or no but give time for emotionality to reduce before committing (dont want to make dec with rose coloured glasses on)

Dont want them to say no when low on wave then regret (give time to ride out wave)

Nurture what lights them up

Here to do what lights up

Once have focus can be quite consistent.

Encourage sacral sounds (yes sounds like ah ha lean in, when no uh ah pull back) as adults conditioned out of as adults we say 'say no thank you'

Dont push them to things they dont want to (eg math test)

Bed time can be challenging, if not tired wont go to sleep

 Steam engine.

 Gens have mastery, do thoroughly & do great job. Mani


Mani Gens:

Ferari: take short cut, quickest route, skip steps, jump over (not necessary)

Ikea flat pack:

 Gen will make sure have all screws, mani gens do in half time but wont bother with few screws left over & dont care.

 Lots of things light up

Light up over things

Change direction quickly, not designed to finish everything begin

Quickest way to get things done & share that with everybody.


Parenting the mani gen child: mostly generator

Busy kids, will be creative & starts lots of things & not always finish them

Allow to respond but dont be too invested in them finishing them.

Save your money, buy cheaper cricket set before they are committed then get expensive one

Get them to start with end in mind 'future pace - in 6 months time, can you see yourself doing this 3 days per week?'

Physical activities: Burn off sacral energy.



Attachment or pressure to finish things

Their creative process is something difficult to articulate, causing anger.

Teach them to inform like manifestor & respond like a generator. Tricky balance.

Gut behind things.


Supporting Mani Gen Child

Bedtime challenge unless burned off all energy

Allowing them to not follow through, if dont finish what start - sampled lots of things because started, have just enough to know

Try on everything but dont attach lots of investment if sacral not wanting anymore.

May lack attn to detail but dont over correct them, be curious about process 'thats interesting, how did you think of that?'

Take shortcuts

Don't attach to failure 'oh that didn't work out how you expected, how could you improve next time?'


Projectors 20%

To guide & manage generator energy

Aura of focused & penetrating

See into heart space of people

You find all beautiful parts in people really well & that helps guide them & manage them to be best can be.

Strategy for most flow & least resistence is to wait for the invitation

Follow curiosity, love knowing a lot about a lot.

True strategy is to follow curiosity, do what interest you & talk about it then wait for invite to come because they will

Magnetic, people naturally go to for guidance because of aura

"oh whats that thing you were talking about on FB the other day?" when you wait for that invite you will feel seen, heard.

Love being recognised for being helped

If falling on deaf ears, feels awful because haven't been invited.

Talking about what passion or purpose then naturally opportunity arises from that.

Usually love to

Human behaviour great at - to understand people better, drawn to.

See potential in others well

Feel seen & heard when with projector


Can take on energy of other people, can feel them, sense how feeling & that allows to guide them better.

Energyetically sensitive,

Prone to burnout if cant protect energy

Your tenticles are focused on G spot (heart of others) that energy open everywhere so more receptive to energy.


Projector child:

Can push opinions, will guide & manage & let know what feeling a lot of time

Dont have sacral centre defined (sacral energy, may need to rest a lot more)

20-30's may need more rest.

Try to pick up on cues to rest, get to tune into their bodies.

Read to them, bring that energy back into them. May need your energy to get started.

Sacral centre dont have consistent energy but when with generators can take on their energy to move, may have nrg when around other kids for this reason too.

Sensitive souls

Managing friendships can be tricky: can see potential in everyone, even kids with negative behaviour, rather than what they are.

Hard to establish boundaries.

May fall in love with every guy in teens,

Teach to love people for where they are at.

Teach them to wait for them to ask for their opinion to be shared - can be difficult.

When wait for invitation, will help them to be recognised later.


"nanny didnt ask for you to point out her chin hair"


How to support them:

"that was awesome, how did you do that?'

When share stuff they want to be recognised,

Practice asking for their opinion 'what do you reckon about that?'

They are here to share their insight.

Routine good for projectors, when you lay them flat: energy disburses around their body (bedtime story) expell excess energy will give more restful sleep.

Sleep in own bed away from other peoples energy as in their aura (to get restful nights sleep)

If tired a lot of the time get to sleep in own bed to keep energy protected.

Mums: go to bed reading 30 mins before bed.

Aura 2m either side of person. 


Ruled by moon, not sun like others

No consistent access to any energy centres

Here to do to reflect back health of community they are in

They tell us how we are doing

Sensitive to environment

If all open centres, taking in energy in all centres all the time.

Their aura protects to certain extend (like teflon) energy will hit & slide off

If want to sample energy will open up aura then close off again.

Luna cycles - want to cling to anchor to ground, may cling to parent

Wait for luna cycle before commiting, see things from every angle, will talk about at every stage too.

Feeling good is their authority eg moving school, their energy will be influenced by where they are

Will reflect what ever going on around them, if feel crap in peer group will reflect that back.

Navigate them towards people & places that feel good.


If in apartment building, beds on wall to wall can be in each others energy all night when sleeping.

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